Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Monday, June 27, 2005
Movie Review for LOTD

I just couldn't dig "smart" zombies and a post-apocalyptic society that was going through all this shit and would still have the trappings of corporate america. I "get" that it was trying to make suttle comparisons to the current state of affairs in the U.S. to the zombie world - but it just didn't work for me. Three planes hit some buildings and everything got fucked up... I think a zombie problem would have a much larger impact, but apparently not in this movie's world. 5.9/10
Here's an old link for a zombie game that shows the pandemic spreading of zombies that can only be stopped by nukes dropped from the sky. (Hint- kill the green dots with your mouse clicks)
Sunday, June 26, 2005

Here's a story I recently read that I've been meaning to pass on to you guys:
(from the latest Stuy newsletter):
"I've been receiving the The Alumni Spectator for years and look forward to getting it. You and your team are doing a terrific, superior job. I'm 82 years old now and your newsletter makes me feel young again. About me: I became a 4-engine bomber pilot in WWII and flew 33 combat missions before being shot down, becoming a prisoner of war. Regards and Affection" - John Napoli '41
Now for some funny.....
First some vids....
How burglars do it.
It's all about the timing.
I wish I could run around the City in this gadget.
The coolest remote controlled toy of them all it flies, glides on land and water. Too Cool!
This makes me realize that they should say that "american psycho" was influenced by the Beatle's.
SNL sketch showing never seen before StarWars auditions.
An oldie but a goodie...
Some links...
This, is the difference between growing up here and growing up in Africa.
Proof of what the Aliens did to us.
And on his birthday... Damn!
Kind of like going to the Smithsonian without having to go.
A suicidal bunny comic strip...oddly it's pretty funny.
Great pictures taken across the U.S. - this is a very beautiful country indeed.
Cool scientific toy shop with cool videos....check ou the gaussian gun.
A funny story about an interesting old man.
First this, and then they'll start hunting for Sarah Connor.
Check out these cool T-shirts! I love the "Don't shoot! I'm just here to buy some crack"
Supposedly this a site that you can mail a confession to.
A cool rollercoaster database!
Good story about a drunken joy-ride on a plane. I love how the cops were like, "There has been some internal talk about that accomplishment".