
Every Link Guaranteed to make you feel guilty for laughing...or your money back!

Saturday, September 11, 2004


Well thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday... the rest of you fags can kiss my ass. I'll put my drink on your tab next time I see ya...

Now onto the funny.

Apparently it's wrong to have these thoughts...
Clip2......who knew?.

This guy goes to the doghouse for life...ouch!

Funny old Conan-clip that I just wanted to share.

Not funny just fascinating...and yeah and kind of gross.

Funny sony commercial.

Once again HE will shows us the way.

For the kidnapper on the go.

Bush trying to explain something....but guess what happens.

Funny ass video of Bush and his life long war with the spoken word (listen out for the Hannukah one-its the single most funniest thing ever said by him).

For those of you who are a little shy.

The coolest toy ever and you can see it break as well.

Apparently QT is a blog brother...Mine is better though no offense QT.

Deviant behaior and film cameras are such a great combo.

Remember, it's because they like you.

Extreme Hacky-Sack???? better believe it.

My brother use to operate one of these guys...can you image how much fun it is???

Awesome music video...good song AND it capture a cross continental road trip...too cool.

An answer to that cheesy commercial in the movie theaters nowadays.

Posted by Hello

Monday, September 06, 2004

Labor-day links

Well it's labor day today and any day out of work is a good day...Let's all have a drink to Peter McGuire or Mathew McGuire (there is a debate who was first) one of them was the man who had a great idea to have a holiday for the working man....well now you know. Cheers!

Now onto the funny.

He goes down fast but he goes down fighting...sort of.

This is, oddly enough, very sexy...I got problems.

We would all be a little more manly if we grew up with this type if GIJoe.

I guess this is how to reach young black men about the message.

I'm sure he "volunteered" for this ...."Officer Kim come over her for a second..."

When wife-beating goes all too wrong.

Why foreigners really hate us.

Fuck hallmark...say it with a donkey card.(NFW)

Conspiracy theory of the week: I'm sold. The snopes reply. You decide.

(thanks to Carlos for the link)

They'll give you a password to any site that makes you register first, like the

The latest sightings.

Coolest key board I have seen.

As soon as my kid is born ...."now get on that piano"

Because they got shit do to...

The name says it all...

This should be against the law to sell.

A stroll in the woods? or a Blair witch like doomed expedition capture with a digital camera? look carefully at the ninth picture from the end...mad spooky.

Erick as Marty McFly would have been so different....

Know thy mouse...

An oldie but a goodie...These stick figure series are better than any summer blockbuster film.

This will probably become an Olympic event soon.

The sexiest pictures out there.... [in Homer's voice]...."AUGHHHHHH".
Posted by Hello