
I didn't feel like doing my work, so here are some links on someone elses dime. Ha Ha. I also recommend saving your bowel movements til you get to work... That way you get paid to pinch a loaf.
Some links....
First, the news:
Sherm, get us a deck of these for our Choi dai di nights.
Ah! stop being a baby! and eat your glowing meat.
Introducing the new Nike "crossindaborder-trainers".
Anti-Heroes of the week: Fuck it! Mad props. These guys single handedly combined Animal house, Old-school, Wedding Crasher, and Shawshank redemption in one awesome move.
Unlike me, my optimistic friend Carlos thinks there is hope for this world......
Sorry to break it to you pal, I was right...
UFO conspiracy section:
This "moon" looks an aweful lot like the death star to me.
The former secretary of defense for Canada is worried about one thing.... All the god-damn aliens that the U.S. is pissing off.
Other links,
When I was a kid we used dishwashing detergent and we liked it! These kids today get colored bubbles. I love how in the FAQ they state this took ten years of research.
Now we can all have Mr. T riding shotgun.
Don't know what movie to rent? Here are the 50 greatest independent movies of all time!
A list of websites that sound dirty... Hind sight is 20/20.
Things in Russia are getting bad!
You heard it here first... Coke does business with the drug cartels.
See if this website can guess if your a Yankee.
Animals can really filth it up! Some animal records (e.g. A lion can get it on over 70 times a day!)
Irony at its finest!
Go ahead and make yourself some warning labels!
I love Borat... See his reportings here!
Vids ....
Yup! I'm a geek 'cause I think this robot dancing vid is the shit! (give it a coupla secs)
From the "book of cool"... Learn how to spin a pen.
Never ever give a nerd a set of boxing gloves! They have years of pent up anger to release.
And speaking of KOs, here's teenage Mike. I love how in the first clip he's like "come on man you've had enough".
At 4:34 he's cool, at 4:35 he needs his mama.
Elmo's crazier older cousin does Harlem. Jose do you know of these guys?
Almost is not good enough! Especially in demolition.
How Hippies are born... This guy must of turned into a tree hugger!
It's a tough lesson in life when you learn you can't trust your older brother.
Apparently cats are smarter than 1 and a half year olds.
Funny comedian talking about parents' beating their children. (8 minutes of funny)
Yeah, I have the South Park episode where they introduce Towlie.
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