Friday, August 26, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Good-day Links

1. You crashed your car.
2. You were driving drunk
3. You got arrested
4. You wore this shirt out.
Compared to this guy...It's all good!
Some more funny....
Most of my friends are fluent in 'barspeak'... this is for those of you who aren't.
I'm gonna start checking out my restaurant checks a little closer from now on.
Now you can sound like a "genius" at that next departmental meeting with your idiot bosses, with this handy tool....It's very proactive, does that make sense?
There is an unspoken epidemic going around this country....All the damn ninjas.
I saw this months ago and I was like "that is so fake"....Well, I was wrong...
I don't know how objective this study was...
Am I the only who still eats this stuff? Well here is the Ramen Mecca of the web.
“Daddy drinks because you cry.” and other bumber sticker pearls of wisdom here.
I think there is like one picture of me from the age of 11 to 16. I am so gonna do this once I decide to start a family.
Some vids...
Some classic Eddie.
Our kids are not gonna want I-pods for Christmas they're gonna want I-arms.
I still think speak and spell was way ahead of it's time. (Hint-Click the 'on' button)
Well, Kriszti will never ever go to Japan. Imagine this mixed in with your morning commute.
An exellent presentation on what the world would be like if it was represented by 100 people.
Who's stupid idea was it to put a poor little octopus in with a bunch of sharks?