
Here's a quick joke.....
A Border Patrol agent is on duty. He spots two Mexicans and stops them. They show him their papers, but he thinks they are phony. He tells them, "Okay, I have a test for you. I want you to use the words liver and cheese in a sentence." So, the first guy says, "I made a liver and cheese sandwich for lunch." The agent says, "That was good, you can go. What about you?" he asks the second guy. He says, "Liver alone, cheese mine."
I went to Canada last week and let me tell you it's way harder to get into Canada than it is to get into the U.S. - Some people (Canadian border patrol) take their jobs way too seriously. By the way the above picture is a picture that I took of a paper towel dispenser in Montreal where someone explains the proper way to load the dispenser...Canada is a wierd place.
Some more funny.
I say we each get one and ride around the city like we run shit!
A cool way to impulse shop.
Go ahead... and relive your lite-brite childhood.
Amazon truly has everything... even a homocide department.
Looks like it's all up to, Sherman?
Giant things in nature. Makes me never want to swim or walk in the woods
ever again.
The Flashlight of all
Flashlights. I want one.
Now for some news....
When Super Safe Sunday goes wrong.
You heard it here first GW is controlling the weather!
We some of this in NYC schools... Asians are always ahead.
The good news is I'll always have my dog Chilly... The bad news is he's gonna want my brains.
I agree, there should be no speed limits in the ghetto.
This dude is the most pathetic person in the world.
I thought this story was about Mark.
Now that's family.
Here are some vids...
Fuck that, Bugs Bunny says "it's cat season".
Do not mess with this short dude.
A little bit of the " old hotfoot" always makes me laugh.
This kid is bad-ass with a deck of cards.
This is why being a couch potato is better than being an athlete.
The next extreme sport.
I would love to live underground for some reason.
This kid's teen years are fucked!
The newest music sensation....Rubber Johnny. Freaky-ass music video
alert! Turn off your light and enjoy. (it takes 15 secs to load)