
Every Link Guaranteed to make you feel guilty for laughing...or your money back!

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Saturday Morning Links

Woke up feeling good so I want to spread some of that to yall...

It's funny how you think you definitely know something but you don't. Other little cool things like this here. (thanks to Carlos for sending this link)

Man I was sooo going to enroll this spring...Damn!

Ever wonder if you are epileptic? Well find out.

When Hallmark just doesn't cover it.


some new and improved vid links...

It's a thin line between Awesome and Lame, no?

How rude!

Was this the best place to train?

This will help until you come around.

First beach go-ers now snow bunnies?

*Golden Oldies Section*

This never fails to brighten my day. Part two is rockin.

Ahh probably the best clip ever.

Can you imagine getting this for Christmas?

Posted by Hello

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


"When I was a Beatle I thought we were the best fucking group in the goddamn world, and believing that is what made us what we were." - John Lennon

Posted by Hello

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Kind of like a snow angel...Happy Holidays.

Happy Chanukah to my Semite brothers and sisters.

I bring some early gifts...

My sinnin' ways costs me about $3, bout you?

Definite proof that the world is going to shit!

Yeah boy! I got 5 who can beat me?

Stories of the thinning herd.

I don't know... they are starting to worry me...They live in some of the largest cities and now they talk? They are taking over!

Some vids...

This is sooo like kids.

A cellular scam don't be a victim.

The David Blaine of the East.

This guy was on Jeopardy for a year and and he's street smart too!

This one is for Sherm - so you know what it's about.

This guys job sucks.

Apparently there is NO safe seating at one of these races.

I always see extreme skateboarding an say to one can get more extreme...I was so wrong.

Posted by Hello