
Every Link Guaranteed to make you feel guilty for laughing...or your money back!

Friday, June 17, 2005


Phew!....this is the first quiet moment I have had in weeks...hence, the missing links (get it). Well it's friday and Kriszti's in Cuba, so let's party!... Right after a short nap.

Some funny links....

First the news....

My Puerto Rican brothers were busy last week.

I wish I would have judged this trial...I would have been like, " come-on dude, admit it, that shit was funny".

My Hero of the week.

A cool way to get your news...highly visual.

Lucy's in the sky with Jesus.

Free Kim!

Chinese interrogation strikes again!

I used to want to sail around the world...that is, till I read this story.

This Crack problem is getting b-a-a-a-d! (thanks Sherm for the link)

The real Kindergarten Cop!

My favorite part of this story is when he says "But I apologised to people I had beaten".

Fuck that! I'm gonna start calling myself a Buddhist.

I hate her...1 out of 419 million.

Keiser Soze spotted in Africa!

Regular Ol' links....

Every one of these is a gem....You guys know me and factoids, I'm losing my fucking mind!
#6 Red Dawn was the first movie to have a PG13 rating
#11 In Return of the Jedi there is a tennis shoe hidden among the rebel fleet
#80 Cleopatra's last name was Ptolemy, she was Greek, not Egyptian

A born again Christian uncovers the truth behind dinosaurs.

Fantastik idea - take a child's drawing and give it to a bonafide arteest.

The story of the greatest soldier of all time!

Some vids....

I can't begin to describe how awesome this is.... If I was Lucas I would include it with the next DVD. It takes like 20 seconds to load, but trust me it's awesome!

Reno 9-11 is fucking funny, I got to get some episodes.

I would try this in a heart-beat... Get ready to laugh your ass off. I love Japanese technology.

I feel like this at work every-fuckin-day.

I can't wait till we are older and richer to do shit like this. The laughter is contagious.

Conan sends triumph to fuck with the Michael Jackson freaks.

Dancing lessons anyone? (thanks to Nick for the link - I've seen you dance like this by the way)

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