
I just want to wish my good pal Nick all the best as he prepares to cross over the mud pond to France for a few years to further his education. Drop by Linkfest for all the latest stuff Frenchy.
Some links...
How to get your ass kicked in Mexico or on 103rd street.
Adding insult to injury....I love the part that reads "Probably because I won't commit".
I think I eat one of these plates every day....Now I'm starvin'.
Now I think I have Parkinson's and Glaucoma!
Now I know why Jose's computer is always fucked up.
Apparently Nick should be placed under arrest for the purple nurplin' he did in HS.
Super fast camera action.
If you hear a cop say 'code 13' ....Run for the hills.
The history of 420.
Fuck a Limo.
I can't wait until the Xbox uses this.
Hillarious stories about a black man in Japan.
The origins of many sayings can be found here.
Some vids...
I say from now on we all should start saying "squirrel-like reflexes", fuck cats.
An old trick that still works.
I finally know what Scientology is all about....It's just as nutty as all the others.
If you are like me, Entourage is one of your favorite shows...Check out these screen tests with alternate casts.