
Phil here, looks the way I feel....
I'm sorry but I got some minor gripes to bitch about...
Can someone tell me, where the fuck the spring is? It's almost June and I'm wearing my winter jacket! And another thing why do dumbass people go to work when they are sick? All they fucking do is get other people sick....Fucking Assholes! And these are the same ASSHOLES that complain about second hand smoke....I better not get sick because you think you are so fucking important Stay home Assholes!
Ahhh fuck it, atleast Star Wars III was damn good...Here's some funny.
Have you heard of the "red pants book"?...Great idea, here were the rules.
Check out Shoel fucking around in the Middle East! What a pair you got dude!
For you guys with I-pods. All types of add-ons to enhance your I-pod.
Some people say this guy was cruel, I say he's a linkfester!
Simple rules to follow and get fired from your job. If I won the lottery I would sooo do number 29. (thanks Mark for the Link)
Star Wars quiz.
The art of the Latte.
Revenge bumber stickers...I love it!
Here are some great nature pictures.
A gift for all you kitten lovers...
Now, I love blaming Bush for everything but these Russians are buggin'.
The more you know....
That's a fact Jack!
All types of information.
Some Clips.
Here a Hilarious short movie entitled " A ninja pays half my rent". Trust me.
I would never let this guy deal a hand.
I think this old man is a ninja. What a master!
Cool and funny illusion. I cried when he did the bionic man.
Another similar trick. (thanks to Nick for the link)