
Every Link Guaranteed to make you feel guilty for laughing...or your money back!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Dark Side-Links

I got mine, do you got yours?

I just got tickets to STARWARS!!! STAR-FUCKIN-WARS!!! All hail the dark-side!

Here are the details is you want to come with:
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith PG-13 (In Digital Format)
Showtime: 9:30pm, the evening of Friday, May 20, 2005
Theater: Clearview's Ziegfeld 141 West 54th Street New York, NY 10019

See you there or be square!

Posted by Hello

Monday, May 02, 2005


Here is a picture from around my neighborhood that I took recently. It reads "SAL IS A T..." I really wonder what SAL could be? Could SAL be a :
Anyways it looks like either SAL or the police put an end to this mysterious message about SAL. Send me an e-mail if you know what SAL is.

Some funny...

Increase your literary repertoire in couple of minutes!

Cool 360 degree picture collection... I can't wait till these cameras are available.

Now, whoever buys one of these is the ultimate Stars Wars fan!

Online TV on demand...This is so going to be the future! I just saw the first episode of Smallville...that's too cool.

You might want to check your folks' record collection for these records.

Get all the greatest hits from the Simpson's... Did you know that they are about to have their 350th episode? It's been 16 years!

Hook up all your favorite websites with some special effects! Check out Linkfest under martian attack!

Now you'll always know when you spot a douchebag....I think we are all safe.

It must have been so much fun naming movies in the Ol' days. (NSFW)

Apparently all you need to survive in the wild is a can and a chocolate bar. I can't wait to try this next time I go camping!

The more you know....[tum tum tee tum]

Behind the arcade music. (thanks to Nick for the link)

This just in...

One pat of butter too many...that'll show em'.

Some people have all the luck.... Actually maybe not!

I wrote you guys about this girl almost a year ago and she still hasn't been debunked! Hooray! The X-men are coming.

Some videos...

Turn off your light and check out this ghost documentary...spooky.

I am a master! I got a perfect score the first time...I bet you won't!

All you need to know is... You just don't fuck with Izzy!

Some other things you shouldn't fuck with....

1. K-9 patrol units. (These guys even attack a cop by accident at one point)
2. This old chinese guy. (This old man handles 5 guys by himself...too cool!)
3. This gang of oldtimers. (keep an eye out for Sean Connery jumpin in outa nowhere!)

Some nature clips...

An answer to the age old question....who would win a tiger or an alligator?

Good kitty and bad kitty.

A little audio clip...

What NWA sounds like to christian conservatives.

Posted by Hello