Thursday, June 09, 2005
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
This just in...
This Just in...
3rd annual NYC Big Apple Barbecue....Between this and the damn Ricans (who gave us the word 'barbecue') , shit will be insane in the city this saturday. I'm in. thanks Sherman for the tip

Monday, June 06, 2005
Here's a cave drawing drawn by Jose's ancestors. Happy B-Day man!
Nah this is actually Banksy striking again. Viva la revolucion!
Yeah I guess English is kind of a tough language. English motherfucker do you speak it!
My dream is to climb Mt. Everest and have a we all can.
How to lighten your load.
If I don't do a damn thing....I get to live to 65....not bad and I don't even need a 401K!
These soldiers are no joke.
I can't believe the Arm and Hammer people haven't been exposed. Read number 2.
This guy went to court 3 times drunker just to show em that his DUI was unfounded.
These are all cool watches.
I can't beeeelieve I just watched "no half steppin". Awesome retro videos.
Apparently Christian and Russel could hang out with us!
Some Vids...
Have I ever mentioned that I hate cops?
It's really hard to make a political statement with your drunk ass
friend is fucked up and standing behind you. Trust me I've been out with Carlos.
A peek at the playstation 4.
This trailer pretty much says that they are the ones who brought down Hitler.
This is the biggest loser I've seen in a long long time. Too funny.
You know why tortoises live so long? Cause they don't take any shit from anyone!
My new favorite animal.
Some cool ass pool playing... kind of like me last week!
How to fuck with a guy's head before a fight.
This is a great music video. Especially if you are a fella. (sorta NSFW and it takes 10 secs to load)