I hate snow-links
Man I am ready for winter to end....I can't wait till it's nice and hot outside and freezing cold inside my apartment cause' I got the A/C blasting.
Some links...
Here is the entire collection...Man I wish I could take my computer to the shitter. (returned link - site up again).
If I had a kid I would buy him this.
Get a good deal on E-bay by finding mistakes.
Defend yourself in any language.
Finally some help.
The newest toy out there I want one.
Play a quick game of a shoot em up.
Check your pockets...
Some old time fun.
Koreans have it all figured out.
So here is the scariest shit I've read about in a long time... a couple of days ago a star farted and it tossed more energy at us than our own sun does in a 100,000 years added together. It out shined our full moon in intensity. Luckily it was far away and all it did was fry some satellites. If it was any closer it would have wiped us out before we knew what happened...have a nice day!
A guy who takes real pictures of NY.
Some vids...
Wine+Karate+midget = hilarity.
The Jackass bunch fuck with some lions.
I felt sad for this lamp. Good film direction.
My favorite commercial from the superbowl.