Saturday Night links

Sherm sends the above picture. Third grade humor is still humor.
Always listen to your gut this guy would be feeling better if he had listen to his.
Finding a home for this cat is going to be a little tricky
Man apparently those static electricity warnings at gas pumps are careful this Fall.
A little science lesson you can try at home.
This is one of the most beautiful things I've seen in a long while.
Making a buck off the man.
Great simple game that is extremely addicting!
Oh those sexually repressed ninteen-fifties....but they still tried.
Get to know your condiments.
Make your cell phone a little retro.
Conspiracy theory of the week: this would be un-faaaabuloussss!
The top eight-six thousand words of all time!....Ha! the word "dog" is way more popular than "cat".
This would be ME if I was a bear.
Nick send a chart of the relation of terror alerts to the presidents popularity.....very interesting.
here is an article written about this phenomenon.
Ever since I left Albany has been off the charts but now it seems we are back to being #1.