Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Saturday, December 31, 2005
New Year Links

Now for the funny.
Keep 7/20/06 open on your calendar! I cannot even begin to explain how much I have thought about this...
31 more years to go.
Mr. Wong's Virtual building.
83% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% fearful and 2% angry, Ain't we all?
The greatest minds are at work on this one thing.
How come I never know about these kind of services?
Have you had your cute-fix for today?
Free things going on around town. Here too.
Ever wonder about NYC's underbelly? Wonder no more.
The good news: theft is down... The bad news: people are "losing" more shit. I love politics.
Get to know a little more about the VP of marketing at Linkfest.
Poor Pei... When they come knocking on my door it's gonna be poor Shung Nung.
Not everyone likes Mr. C.
Ali G works over some athletes.
I knew it didn't take much to fly a plane.
Get a sexy look underneath your hard drive's skirt. Geeky Goodness!
HA HA HA you fuckin loser!
See all the birds in the sky, here.
The mystery has been solved on why Greg was dancing naked around a fire inside the Westin's elevator.
A variation of the "BBQ" abbreviation for barbecue. Homer's invitations in "Lisa the Vegetarian" read, "Come to Homer's BBBQ. The extra B is for BYOBB." When Bart asks what the extra 'B' is for in BYOBB, Homer replies that it's a typo.
Here are other words invented on 'The Simpsons'.
People confess secrets here.
No balcony? No problem!
Stuff on cats. Very cute.
Here are some goodies for your computer.
More Star Trek outtakes! This site also has a bunch of forgotten TV shows and such.
Did you get the memo about the TPS report?
Some vids...
If you see this Bronxite around town by him a drink.
Keep you eye on the microphone.
Man I heard Ebert is a bitch, but man I had no idea! Poor Siskel.
Looks like he's boozing again.
A little bit of beauty.
Sunday, December 11, 2005

He always claimed that he had lived the life. Here is a rare interview where he was high out of his mind....Here is my favorite routine.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I didn't feel like doing my work, so here are some links on someone elses dime. Ha Ha. I also recommend saving your bowel movements til you get to work... That way you get paid to pinch a loaf.
Some links....
First, the news:
Sherm, get us a deck of these for our Choi dai di nights.
Ah! stop being a baby! and eat your glowing meat.
Introducing the new Nike "crossindaborder-trainers".
Anti-Heroes of the week: Fuck it! Mad props. These guys single handedly combined Animal house, Old-school, Wedding Crasher, and Shawshank redemption in one awesome move.
Unlike me, my optimistic friend Carlos thinks there is hope for this world......
Sorry to break it to you pal, I was right...
UFO conspiracy section:
This "moon" looks an aweful lot like the death star to me.
The former secretary of defense for Canada is worried about one thing.... All the god-damn aliens that the U.S. is pissing off.
Other links,
When I was a kid we used dishwashing detergent and we liked it! These kids today get colored bubbles. I love how in the FAQ they state this took ten years of research.
Now we can all have Mr. T riding shotgun.
Don't know what movie to rent? Here are the 50 greatest independent movies of all time!
A list of websites that sound dirty... Hind sight is 20/20.
Things in Russia are getting bad!
You heard it here first... Coke does business with the drug cartels.
See if this website can guess if your a Yankee.
Animals can really filth it up! Some animal records (e.g. A lion can get it on over 70 times a day!)
Irony at its finest!
Go ahead and make yourself some warning labels!
I love Borat... See his reportings here!
Vids ....
Yup! I'm a geek 'cause I think this robot dancing vid is the shit! (give it a coupla secs)
From the "book of cool"... Learn how to spin a pen.
Never ever give a nerd a set of boxing gloves! They have years of pent up anger to release.
And speaking of KOs, here's teenage Mike. I love how in the first clip he's like "come on man you've had enough".
At 4:34 he's cool, at 4:35 he needs his mama.
Elmo's crazier older cousin does Harlem. Jose do you know of these guys?
Almost is not good enough! Especially in demolition.
How Hippies are born... This guy must of turned into a tree hugger!
It's a tough lesson in life when you learn you can't trust your older brother.
Apparently cats are smarter than 1 and a half year olds.
Funny comedian talking about parents' beating their children. (8 minutes of funny)
Yeah, I have the South Park episode where they introduce Towlie.
Friday, November 25, 2005
Beer Goggles explained

I love science... I think with enough time one would be able to understand most things.
Recently, scientist have figured out "the beer google" effect.
Science is great....And just try to imagine a world without Zinc!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

This guy is related to everybody! Maybe even to our new member.
Denver here I come!
Email your dusty fifty-year-old-self twenty years from now!
I swear I had this idea for a website like three years ago.
Handy website that tells you what subway trains you need to take to get to any address.
At least it wasn't a shutout!
A detailed analysis of where people tend to "golden gate" themselves.
I love the "Bernard Jeffrey McCollough Show" and I can't wait to see that new Curtis Jackson Brown movie. Here's what I mean.
Conspiracy buffs finally get one on the MAN.
How to disappear after burying the body.
Finally, Christians have discovered the "be gay no longer" pill.
Political section:
Here's a reminder of how fucked up 9/11 was (you can download this picture and zoom in and see car windows in this ultra high resolution image).
Just in case you feel that the U.S.'s situation can't get any worse.
And that the rich and powerful aren't getting richer and more powerful.
Luckily the Space fire balls are going to wipe us out some day.
Some vids...
The David Blaine of Japan is cooler.
This talk show host completely loses it when one of his guest has a funny voice. Enjoy. Too Funny.
This is how I imagine Jose would get on this Japanese game show.
One of TV's greatest moments. Nuff said.
It was all fun and games till they scared the brother.
We all knew that Yoda was down... But he's got soul. (thanks to Los for the link)
Saturday, October 29, 2005

I hope to see everyone out tonight enjoying themselves on the streets of NYC. Remember stay away from the sewer clowns!
Some links...
I guess timing is everything.
You saw it here first, I present you the "Dark Angel" herself... Jessica Alba.
This just in... Bernie has been spotted in TJ!
Buster might have gotten all that training...but he ain't no fuckin' NARC.
How come this shit only happens in Africa?
You've all heard of the "rejection-line"... Here's the e-mail version.
Enjoy this illusion.
Oh my.... I never saw this coming.
I think I will take up photography this next summer.
"I wish I had a kryptonite cross, because then you could keep both Dracula and Superman away" and more Jack Handy-isms here.
Coupla vids...
Sometimes the cards are just plain stacked against you...
Remember always expect the unexpected.
Friday, October 21, 2005
It's the apocalyse year... What's next UFO's???
Well here's what FEMA says we should do when the UFOs attack. Check out the part that says:
“Besides the possible physical effects of approaching a UFO, e.g.. burns, radiation, etc., there may be psychological effects produced by force fields that could induce a hypnotic state in the viewer, loss of consciousness, memory relapse, and submission to the occupants… we should consider psychic effects, such as space-time distortions” (thanks to Losie for the link)
Ok I'll lighten up... Here are the top 100 toys of all time.
Tip of the week: Here's a database of how to get to a human when you call up customer service.
Here a buncha vids...
Why Biggie was Biggie... Freestyling at it's best.
There's being frightened and then there's being scared shitless... Here's the difference. Oh yeah, and I am going to start saying the new phrase "Do you need help little man?" from now on... Too fucking funny. Enjoy.
Another childhood innocence lost.
It's was all fun at the dance till she zigged when she should have zagged.
Meet Mr. Osman... He won't be around for long. This motherfucker speed rock climbs. Check out when he leaps to reach certain areas!
Check out this jerk getting "oldschooled". Go Granny!
I could watch this prank all day long... Sheer genius!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Saturday, October 08, 2005

I miss Calvin and Hobbes... This reminds me of when I taught HS earth science.
I took a little break from Linkfest but here I am, back in full force.
Here are some links...
The history of the word "dude".
Here's some artist who uses watermelon as his medium.
Cool portraits to hang up for Halloween...or if your a goth.
I'm pretty sure this guy failed his roadtest.
I've always wished I could perceive things in nanoseconds so that I could see these beautiful images.
Ever wonder if you are a computer geek? Well here's a test. Does this turn you on?
Explore the migration of mankind at this interactive site.
Ok this is not funny, but you know me... this shit cracked me up. This company removes "the wall" of those pesky prison couple photos.
Free sodas!
While we are examining vending machines, here are some great ones from Japan! I wish we had dumpling vending machines.
I can see why this guy is a gazillionaire. My mom has all of these.
I've always told myself, "when Ai Ai quits, I'll quit"..... Her will is so much stronger than mine.
For hundreds of years sailors have spoken of this and it has been finally been proven. Well, now that means to me that there are definitely mermaids, lochness monsters, Yetis, etc...
Naturally, the first inter-species song communication result in the "bat-man theme".
Some videos...
This week's lost in translation clip: Japanese fear factor...
More evidence that, it's not the size that counts but what you do with it.
Pingpong masters battle it out.
Here is the "Lone gunemen pilot" episode that came out in early 2001; it was about the government conspiracy that it uses terrorism to make money.... Oh yeah the governement fakes a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center using commercial airplanes.
When I was a kid, "The Shining" scared the shit out of me.... because I had seen this trailer for the movie.
It's good to know that even Jedi masters slip up sometimes.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005

It seems that we have had some losses of our heroes of yesteryear.....
Carlos reports that Inspector Gadget/Maxwell Smart A.K.A. Don Adams has died. But the bigger loss (for me) was my childhood anti-hero, "butch" from the little rascals....Who didn't have the urge to want to fuck up Alfafa. Don't get me started...