I've decided to keep the primate theme for another week....this guy is the Clint Eastwood of just know he will kick your ass if you look at him wrong...a real bad ass.
Now onto the funny....
You know you're curious....well I guess all of us are, except Carlos
Where the above picture came from.
What kind asshole buys this sort of shit?
This guys thinks he's an artist or something.
Some animals are real assholes.
Lucky for him he had a parachute.
All I know, and I don't know why... Is I want some Choco's. (NFW)
Fun with power tools.
Apparently the Spanish have had it "up to here" with crime.
The show must go on.
I didn't think this was really funny until the kid at the end says....
For those of you who like the Ford car advertisement with the's the other one.
I don't play foosball but this is pretty cool.
Fun with fireworks.
*Bush time*
Carlos sends some of these great ad series, which ask....
Ever wonder what it would be like if Bush was your roommate?
Take a look
Got this one from Mark's site....I love Cheney's line.
The cost of "things".
Happy Birthday Shoel!

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