
Well I'm back from my VK. It was a blast! I almost drowned and everything!
well back to the funny....
Who knew bums had so many choices....
It will guess what you're thinking.
Man, I hope no terrorists get their hands on this.
Go ahead click and just play for a while.
Carlos sends this link for your Outlook "new e-mail" sounds....pretty funny
I guess that's why it is the good book.
Good for him....Cheers Dave
Hmmm I'm not sure if I buy this.....
Tag up in Egyptian!
Next time you fail at something ...think about these guys.
Star Wars sneak peeks...for my ultra geek peeps.
The more you know.....
They are related!
Get creative!
Man we ARE such a gluttonous people!
Show em' that you're living large at your next black tie affair...fuck cufflinks.
Every day sucks for this group of people.
Have sweet dreams every night! (nfw)
Should be very easy to impress these ladies.
Some funny videos....
None of these guys made it to the olympics...
Now we know why ninjas are better than cowboys.
Extreme....Unicycling??? .....you better believe it.
A good reason to learn.(NFW)
Will Farrell doing what he does best
Yeah that looks about even steven.
This guy just spazzes out.
I can't decide who is dumbest person in this scene.
A quick hit of Homer.

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