What the fuck is wrong with us? I hate mankind today, I wish it to be gone. For those of you who don't know, it is currently seal hunting season as of yesterday in Canada (I really hate Canadians today as well). Hunter's are going around and clubbing seals like it was the fucking ice ages. We suck.
OK I know, I know...Just be funny, funny boy.
Oh no! R2D2 has gone to the dark side!
How geeks celebrate Easter.
An artist cuts out the middlemen and put his shit up at the best museums. (thanks to Shoel and Kriszti for the link)
Warning certain products are watching you.
Speaking of strange products...Check out the shit you can get at Amazon nowadays. Tired of bullies get this. For that fresh feeling get this.
Play the same game you play at the bars on a wild night drinking.
The story behind the legend.
The truth you will never hear.
Break it to them easy...with this helpful guide.
The stupidest person ever!
A nice list of the best TV theme songs ever...but completely flawed because it's missing the ending music from 'the hulk'... Otherwise pretty good though.
Fun with mirrors...I'm gonna build one. Check out the gallery.
Another one way ticket to hell...brought to you by Linkfest. I think it will be on April fool's day.
Some vids...
Good collection of people bustin' there asses.
Cute doggie trick.
Look at their feet...too funny!
The perfect game of darts.
Sherm, here are some choices for bartenders. Choice #1. Choice #2.

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