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Wednesday, March 23, 2005


What my inner child looks like (chinese food in the luchbox)

On a serious note:

OK, let it be said that I do not want to live in a vegetative state. If I am ever brain dead or cannot wipe my own ass (permenantly that is) please grab the nearest pillow and go to town (easy Jose! passing out doesn't count). You are all my witnesses. Even in death these christian republican assholes want to fuck with my rights.

Now for some funny...

Yeah baby! double your pleasure!

Grab a deck...quick card tricks!

This is the funniest shit...I wish it was Valentine's day again...Hallmark sucks for not having these! (NFW)

Re-inventing the wheel!

So he sold his soul, so what!

Wasn't there a picnic spot.

Talk about throwing a curveball at a baseball game....

Posted by Hello


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