Well Halloween's around the corner and we need a few good men to be ghostbusters and... oh yeah...A Fucking party!... Come on people focus we need a house party!
In the meantime...here are some cool and funny links.
Here you can find excellent nature pics that make for good wallpapers.
This town is on high alert...
Words to almost every song. Karaoke anyone?
This is for those who still don't think Google rocks.
They are really getting carried away with the advanced features on TVs nowadays.
I'm 99.9 percent sure this is fake. But it's cool. If you can't see this due to them having bandwith issues you can DL and drop this file into IE.
A very educational site. You'll be able to ID any drug!
Why search with plain ol' google?
Apparently, our kids are gonna ask what kind of brain runs your car/computer/rocket pack?
This is what you get when Joey from brooklyn moves to the south.
I wonder if the stoner community will make the difference.
Don't tie your laces like everyone else!
This site is updated weekly...it's show all those assholes walking around with stupid chinese tatoos that really say some funny things ...too funny! Here's a related second hilarious story. Sherm and Betty you guys'll love this.
What I want for christmas.
Man the daily poles are not looking good. I can't believe Dumb ass states like Florida and Pennsylvania decide the country's future.
I rather vote for any of these guys instead of Nader...check out His Royal Majesty.
I can't wait till my jacket and I are friends.
Fantastik simple little game...stop the green guys (zombies) from infecting people (purple) with you mouse controlled Nukes.
some Videos:
The master of the Cube.
An oldie but a goodie. Carlos you should let Rhiannon see this!
Apparently the hit and run wasn't enough.
You can actually see the transition from boy to manhood in this clip.
Always be on the look out because you never know.
Such a pretty flame.

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