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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Did I do that?

Guess who has fucked up again? Here's a hint...this motherfucker loves to take vacations while the country goes to hell in a hand basket....

Apparently our administration needs more than three days to prepare for a tragedy.

We are so fucked if this keeps going on. We have no leader, no national guard, we got nothin'....But on the bright side (for him and his) , "special-emergency-cheap-diluted-extra-pollution-grade" gas is up to 3 dollars a gallon and rising.

People let's not be assholes, like the rest of the country was during 9/11, and not give a shit because this didn't happen in our backyard. Try to help.


  • At 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    On why we seemed to be caught “off guard” once again, a blogger somewhere wrote this:
    “…minds are elsewhere… [things like] politics and abortion and evolution. So when you are debating the 21st century equivilent of the nature of Christ or angels dancing on pinheads, something gets lost, I suppose.”


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